Shri Vivek Wahi, Executive D’i.rector, Shri Parshurarn Panda, Chief Vigilance Officer, Shri Suresh N. Patel, Central Vigilance Commissioner, Shri M.V. Rao, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Shri Alok Srivastava, Executive Director and Shri Rajeev Puri, Executive Director.
Central Bank Of India observed Vigilance Awareness Week by organizing a function at SPBT College along with the banks Business Review Conference on 29.10.2021.
The Chief Guest, of the function, was Shri Suresh Patel Chief Vigilance Commissioner who has three decades of Banking experience and held various positions post superannuation from the Banking Sector.
Shri Parshuram Panda, Chief Vigilance Officer of Bank welcomed the Chief Guest, bank officials, and the gathering and emphasized the audience on the various activities undertaken during the VAW 21 and the initiatives being taken during several outreach activities across the country to spread the awareness about the year’s theme “Independent India @ 75: Self Reliance and Integrity” under the auspices of Central Vigilance Commission.
The Guest of honour for the day Shri Suresh Patel CVC spoke at length about this year’s theme by citing his own personal banking experience and following the basic principles of honesty, integrity, hard work and positive attitude to achieve the goal at various levels in the organization. He also emphasized the due diligence and compliance norms to be followed by every individual at all levels without any compromise.
Shri M.V. Rao, MD&CEO emphasized on the need for owning one’s self made decision. He said that corruption is a major hindrance to the progress of the nation and alia sections of the society need to be vigilant in order to uphold integrity in all walks of life.
As part of vigilance Awareness Week from 26.10.2021 to 01.11.2021, the Central Bank of India had also organized a function for its employees at its Corporate Office at Chandermukhi, Nariman Point, Mumbai on 26.10.2021. An integrity pledge was taken by Shri P P Panda CVO of the bank along with other top management dignitaries and employees of the Bank.
Shi Alok Srivastava, Shri Vivek Wahi, and Shri Rajesh Puri, all Executive Directors of the bank emphasized the need for eradication of corruption from the Banking fraternity, Society and from our routine life.
Photo Narration : Names of the dignitaries in the order from left to right are as follows:
Shri Vivek Wahi, Executive D’i.rector, Shri Parshurarn Panda, Chief Vigilance Officer, Shri Suresh N. Patel, Central Vigilance Commissioner, Shri M.V. Rao, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Shri Alok Srivastava, Executive Director and Shri Rajeev Puri, Executive Director.