Titled “The Beginning“, the finale of the animation series sees the princess wake up just as the prince is about to give her the kiss of life. Instead of falling in love with the prince, she pushes him away. This causes him to be revealed in his true form – a ghastly beast – and to tries to attack the princess
Facing imminent danger, the princess remembers everything she has gone through, and the memories ultimately become a magical red rose, which she uses to cast a spell and turn the beast into a puppy. Holding it in her arms, she walks confidently towards the dazzling lights she had been chasing. This marks the beginning of a new chapter for the princess.
The poster for the final episode of “GOODBYE PRINCESS” featured a number of hidden messages, including:
1. In typical fairy tales, the prince and beastly creatures are usually protagonists. However, this stereotype is overturned in “GOODBYE PRINCESS“.
2. The television set enables the princess to venture through time and space in the first episode. In the finale, she uses it to recall all the memories she has experienced and channels it as a source of power and determination to face the future.
3. When walking down her new path, the princess holds a puppy that is based on Tia’s pet dog “Sun“, which is the only Instagram account she follows.
With the “GOODBYE PRINCESS” animation series having concluded and achieved record-breaking success, Tia Lee released her highly-anticipated music video on 5 December.
Tia Lee Official Channels:
Instagram @leeyufen: https://www.instagram.com/leeyufen/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tialeeofficial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leeyufentialee/
Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/1396928042/
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