Minister Icyang of CIP said that in order to further reward the individuals, agencies, and groups promoting indigenous languages, the number of awards has been increased to 23 from 12 in 2021. In addition to providing NTD 20K to 60K bonuses, the Premier Su Tseng-Chang personally presented all 12 award categories to demonstrate his appreciation to everyone for being the role model in promoting indigenous languages.
The Indigenous Language Development Meeting the following morning saw the participation of indigenous traditional leaders, their contributions help everyone understand how they led the indigenous communities in building the environment for indigenous languages. In addition, CIP is also moving forward with the “Support Program to Creating the Environment for Indigenous Languages in Church” this year, expanding the function and role played by the Church in passing on indigenous languages over the years, and creating on a wide scale an environment friendly to indigenous languages.
Responding to the theme of this year’s UN commemoration of the International Mother Language Day, “using technology for multilingual learning: Challenges and opportunities”, Minister Iycang of CIP delivered his full remark and speech in the Amis language, which is simultaneously interpreted through the equipment for simultaneous interpreting. This shows how mother languages are no longer obstacles to communication with the assistance of technology. In the future, we will be applying more indigenous language-assistive technology, and continue to work with central and local governments, NGOs, and indigenous peoples to promote the preservation and promotion of indigenous languages.