In a significant move to enhance telecom security and accessibility across India, Union Minister of Communications Jyotiraditya Scindia unveiled a suite of citizen-centric initiatives, including the launch of the Sanchar Saathi Mobile App, the National Broadband Mission (NBM) 2.0, and the inauguration of Intra Circle Roaming at DBN-funded 4G mobile sites.
The Sanchar Saathi Mobile App aims to empower users by providing critical tools to secure telecom resources and combat fraud. With features like reporting suspected fraud communications, managing mobile connections, blocking lost or stolen devices, and verifying handset authenticity, the app offers comprehensive security measures for smartphone users.
Scindia emphasized the app’s role in fostering a secure telecom environment, stating that it is designed to safeguard users while enhancing their access to opportunities. The app, available for both Android and iOS, is expected to serve over 900 million smartphone users, making telecom security tools easily accessible to every citizen.
In addition to the mobile app, Scindia launched the National Broadband Mission (NBM) 2.0, which aims to propel India into a new era of digital transformation. Building on the success of NBM 1.0, the updated mission seeks to connect 1.7 lakh villages, ensure broadband access for 60% of rural households, and achieve a minimum broadband speed of 100 Mbps by 2030. The initiative aligns with the vision of Viksit Bharat, aiming to establish India as a global knowledge society by providing high-speed broadband and meaningful connectivity for all.
The introduction of Intra Circle Roaming at DBN-funded 4G sites marks another milestone. This initiative enables multiple telecom service providers to share infrastructure, enhancing connectivity and providing seamless services to subscribers in remote areas. By reducing the need for multiple towers, the initiative promises to improve coverage while lowering costs for both operators and the government.
During the event, Scindia highlighted the collaborative efforts of telecom service providers such as BSNL, Airtel, and Reliance, who will leverage shared infrastructure at DBN-funded sites. This cooperation is expected to benefit over 35,000 rural villages, ensuring reliable 4G connectivity for millions of subscribers.
The Secretary of Telecom, Neeraj Mittal, underscored the significance of these initiatives, particularly the Sanchar Saathi Mobile App, in curbing telecom scams and enhancing security in remote regions. The event also featured remarks from key government officials, who praised the Department of Telecommunications for its commitment to advancing India’s digital infrastructure and security.
These initiatives reflect a broader strategy to bridge the digital divide, foster economic opportunities, and enhance social inclusion through improved connectivity. As India continues its digital journey, these developments are poised to transform the telecom landscape, driving growth and innovation for the nation’s future.