The Indian government has introduced the ‘Chakshu’ portal, a significant initiative aimed at combating telephone fraud and enhancing the security of telecom subscribers. Integrated into the Department of Telecommunications’ (DoT) Sanchar Saathi platform, Chakshu empowers citizens to report suspicious communications, including fraudulent calls, deceptive messages, and dubious social media interactions.
Chakshu enables users to report various types of cyber frauds, such as fake customer care helplines, fraudulent bank accounts, deceptive payment wallets, and impersonation of government officials or relatives.
To utilize Chakshu, users can access the Sanchar Saathi portal and select the ‘Chakshu’ option under ‘Citizen Centric Services.’ After reviewing the disclaimer, they can proceed to report by filling out a form detailing the medium, category, and timing of the suspected fraudulent communication, along with personal details for verification.
In addition to Chakshu, the government has launched the Digital Intelligence Platform (DIP), which facilitates real-time intelligence sharing among law enforcement agencies, telecom service providers, social media platforms, and document-issuing authorities. This collaboration aims to curb the misuse of telecom resources by enabling prompt action against fraudulent activities.
The introduction of Chakshu and DIP reflects the government’s commitment to safeguarding citizens from telecom fraud. By providing a user-friendly platform for reporting suspicious activities and fostering inter-agency collaboration, these initiatives are poised to enhance the security of telecom services and protect users from potential scams.