Mumbai: India’s leading Bank Central Bank of India observed Hindi Month and celebrated the Hindi Day & Prize distribution ceremony at its Central office, in Mumbai. The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank Shri. M V Rao emphasized the growth of the Bank’s Business through the use of Hindi language and asked the staff members to use Hindi language in their daily routine work & life, he also congratulated the Rajbhasha Department for receiving the “Rajbhasha Kirti Purashkar – 2023”.

From left to Right: Mr M V Murali Krishna Executive Director, Mr. M V Rao, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer & Mr Vivek Wahi, Executive Directors
On this occasion, Both the Executive Directors of the Bank, Shri. Vivek Wahi and Shri M V Murali Krishna emphasized the use of the Official Language in day-to-day work and highlighted the importance of the Official Language Hindi.
In the opening welcome note Shri Rajesh Kumar, General Manager (Rajbhasha) highlighted the achievement of the Official Language Hindi in the Bank.
The distribution of the Prizes & Certificates for various competitions organized during Hindi month which was given away by the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of the Bank.
The program concluded with a vote of thanks given by Shri Rajiv Varshney. Assistant General Manager (Rajbhasha).
The Executives and staff members of the Bank were present in large numbers to grace the occasion.