“Bank of Maharashtra Q3 Financial Results FY 2022-23”

  • Bank of Maharashtra Q3 Financial Results FY 2022-

    Photo : ( From Left to Right) Shri Asheesh Pandey, Executive Director, Shri. A S Rajeev, Managing Director & CEO & Shri. A B Vijayakumar, Executive Director, Bank of Maharashtra while addressing press conference

    “Bank of Maharashtra Q3 Financial Results FY 2022-23”

  • Total Business grew by 15.77%  to ₹  365,398  crore.
  • Total Deposits up by 11.69%  to ₹ 208436 crore.
  • Gross Advances increased by 21.67% to ₹  156,962  crore.
  • Credit – Deposit (CD) Ratio improved to 75.30%.
  • Gross NPA declined to  2.94% as on 31.12.2022.
  • Net NPA reduced to 0.47%  as on 31.12.2022.
  • Provision Coverage Ratio improved to 97.18%.
  • Net Profit up by 138.76% to ₹ 775.03 crore as on 31.12.2022
  • Operating profit grew by 35.94% to Rs. 1580 crore .

  • Net Interest Income increased by 29.65% to Rs. 1980 crore.

  • Net Interest Margin (NIM) improved to 3.60% as on 31.12.2022.
  • Cost to Income Ratio improved to 39.69%.
  • Return on Assets (ROA) improved to 1.30% for Q3 FY23.
  • Return on Equity (ROE)  improved to 24.41%.
  • CRAR improved to 17.53% of which Tier I is 13.47%.


 Profitability (Quarter Ended Dec 31st ,2022)

  • Net Profit up by 138.76% to ₹ 775 crore in Q3FY23 on Y-o-Y basis as against ₹ 325 crore for Q3FY22.  The same is up by 44.85% on a Q-o-Q sequential basis.
  • Operating Profit has shown a growth of 35.94% on Y-o-Y basis to ₹  1,580  crore for Q3FY23 as against ₹ 1,162 crore for Q3FY22.The same has improved by 8.10% on a Q-o-Q basis. 
  • Net Interest Income (NII) grew by 29.65% on Y-o-Y basis to ₹  1,980  crore in Q3FY23 as against ₹ 1,527 crore for Q3FY22.  The same is up by 4.91% on a Q-o-Q sequential basis.
  • Net Revenues (Net Interest income plus other income) for Q3FY23 improved by 22.56  % from 

₹ 2,138 crore for Q3FY22 to ₹  2,620  crore for Q3FY23. The same is up by 9.67 % on a Q-o-Q  sequential basis.

  • Cost to Income Ratio improved to 39.69% for Q3FY23 as against 45.63% for Q3FY22. The same was 38.82% for the quarter ended 30.09.2022.
  • Return on Assets (ROA) improved to 1.30% for Q3FY23 against 0.60% for Q2FY22 and 0.92% for Q2FY23.
  • Return on Equity (ROE) also improved to 24.41% for Q3FY23 against 13.49% for Q3FY22 and 18.32% for Q2FY23.

Profitability (Nine Months Ended Dec 31st ,2022)

  • Net Profit up by 121.27% to ₹ 1762 Crore in  on Y-o-Y basis  against ₹ 796 crore for  nine months ended 31.12.2022.  
  • Operating Profit has shown a growth of 15.67% to ₹ 4244 crore on Y-o-Y basis  against ₹ 3,669 crore for for nine months ended 31.12.2021  . 
  • Net Interest Income (NII) grew by 25.30% on Y-o-Y basis to ₹ 5,554 crore for nine months ended 31.12.2022 as against ₹ 4,432 crore for for nine months ended 31.12.2021.  
  • Fee based income increased by 7.61 % on Y-o-Y basis to ₹  927 crore for nine months ended 31.12.2022.
  • Cost to Income Ratio improved to 39.48%  for nine months ended 31.12.2022 as against 44.09% for  nine months ended 31.12.2021.
  • Return on Assets (ROA) improved to 1.02%  for nine months ended 31.12.2022 against 0.52% for  nine months ended 31.12.2021. 
  • Return on Equity (ROE) also improved to 18.50% for nine months ended 31.12.2022 against 11.21% for nine months ended 31.12.2021. 

Assets & Liabilities

  • Total Business grew by 15.77% on Y-o-Y basis to ₹  365,398  crore. 
  • Total Deposits up by 11.69% on Y-o-Y basis  to ₹ 208436 crore in Q32FY23. 
  • Gross Advances grew by 21.67% on Y-o-Y basis to ₹  156,962  crore in Q3FY23 as against 

₹ 129,006 crore in Q3FY22. 

  • Net Advances grew by 23.02 % on Y-o-Y basis  to ₹  153,065  crore in Q3FY23.
  • RAM (Retail, Agri. & MSME) Business grew by 19.18% on Y-o-Y basis. Retail advances grew by 23.12 % to  ₹ 40,312 crore on Y-o-Y basis. MSME advances grew by 21.62% on Y-o-Y basis to ₹  30,517 crore for Q3FY23. 

Capital Adequacy:

  • Total Basel III Capital adequacy ratio improved to 17.53% with Common Equity Tier 1 ratio of 13.47 % for Q3FY23.
  • During the period ended on 31st Dec 2022, the Bank has raised Tier I Capital of ₹  1,590 crore (out of which ₹880 crore during the month of Dec 2022) and Tier II capital of  ₹ 348 crore.

Asset quality: 

  • Gross NPA declined to  2.94% as on 31.12.2022  against 4.73 % as on 31.12.2021. The same was 3.40 % as on 30.09.2022.
  • Net NPA declined to 0.47%  as on 31.12.2022 against 1.24% as on 31.12.2021. The same was 0.68 % as on 30.09.2022.
  • Provision Coverage ratio improved to 97.18% as on 31.12.2022 as against 93.77% as on 31.12.2021. The same was 96.06 % as on 30.09.2022.
  • . Bank holds cumulative Covid-19 provision of ₹  1,200 crore as on 31st Dec 2022.
Profitability   (Rs in crore)
Particulars Quarter Ended Change (%)
  Dec 21 Sep  22 Dec 22 Q-o-Q Y-o-Y
Total Income 3,893 4,317 4,770 22.51 10.48
Total Expenses 2,731 2,855 3,189 16.80 11.70
Operating Profit 1,162 1,462 1,580 35.94 8.10
Provisions & Cont. other than taxes 836 579 582 (30.41) 0.45
Profit before tax 326 883 998 205.94 13.12
Tax Expense 2 348 223
Net Profit 325 535 775 44.85 138.76
Top Line Business (Rs in crore)
Particulars As on Growth (%)
Dec 21 Dec 22 Y-o-Y
Total Business 315,620 365,398 15.77
Deposits 186,614 208,436 11.69
of which CASA  102,732 109,429 6.52
CASA Share (%) to Total Deposit 55.05 52.50  
Gross Advances 129,006 156,962 21.67
Balance Sheet                                             (Rs in crore)
Dec 21 Dec 22 Mar 22
Capital 6,731 6,731 6,731
Reserves and Surplus 6,603 8,915 7,154
Deposits 186,614 208,436 202,294
Borrowings 16,140 18,289 7,747
Other Liabilities & Provisions 5,258 5,431 6,685
TOTAL 221,344 247,801 230,611
Cash and Balances with Reserve Bank of India 13,969 17,862 19,722
Balances with Banks and Money at Call & Short Notice 110 51 194
Investments 71,745 67,561 68,590
Advances (Net) 124,425 153,065 131,170
Fixed Assets 1,597 2,180 2,242
Other Assets 9,498 7,082 8,693
TOTAL 221,344 247,801 230,611

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