Maharashtra’s Liquor Lucrative: How Excise Duty Fuels State Coffers (Over Rs. 23,000 Crore in 2023-24)


Maharashtra, India’s second-most populous state, holds a unique distinction – it rakes in a staggering amount of revenue from excise duty on liquor. This revenue stream plays a significant role in the state’s financial health, but it also raises questions about public health and policy implications. Let’s delve into the facts and figures surrounding Maharashtra’s liquor excise duty.

A Growing Revenue Stream

According to a [source for Maharashtra excise revenue 2023], Maharashtra recorded an all-time high of Rs. 23,250 crore (approximately USD 28.3 billion) in excise revenue from liquor sales in the fiscal year 2023-24. This represents an impressive 8% growth compared to the previous year’s collection of Rs. 21,500 crore (approximately USD 26.1 billion).

The trend of increasing revenue is evident over the past few years. In 2021-22, the state collected Rs. 17,177 crore (approximately USD 20.8 billion), marking a significant rise from Rs. 15,089 crore (approximately USD 18.3 billion) in 2020-21, a year significantly impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns.

What’s Driving the Rise?

Several factors contribute to Maharashtra’s rising excise duty revenue:

  • Increased Liquor Consumption: Data suggests a steady rise in alcohol consumption across categories like Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL), beer, and country liquor. This can be attributed to a growing population, rising disposable income, and changing social habits.
  • Tax Hikes: The state government has strategically increased excise duty on liquor, particularly on country liquor, in recent years. This strategy can have a dual effect – encouraging a shift to potentially less harmful (though still alcoholic) options like IMFL, while simultaneously increasing overall revenue.
  • Effective Sales Management: Improved sales management practices and a crackdown on illegal liquor sales have likely contributed to increased revenue collection.

The Liquor Landscape of Maharashtra

Within the liquor category, IMFL and beer dominate sales, contributing over Rs. 15,000 crore (approximately USD 18.3 billion) annually to the state’s coffers. While country liquor consumption is showing some growth, recent tax increases may be pushing some consumers towards cheaper IMFL options.

The Impact: Beyond Revenue

The high revenue generated from liquor raises concerns beyond just the financial implications. Increased alcohol consumption can lead to public health issues like alcoholism, liver disease, and social problems. The state government needs to consider these concerns and potentially implement measures to promote responsible drinking and address potential social consequences.

Looking Ahead: Balancing Revenue and Public Health

Maharashtra’s reliance on liquor excise duty presents a complex challenge. While it offers a significant financial resource for the state, it’s crucial to find a balance between generating revenue and safeguarding public health. The state government must explore strategies such as:

  • Promoting Responsible Drinking Campaigns: Raising awareness about responsible drinking habits can help minimize the negative social and health impacts of alcohol consumption.
  • Investing in Public Health Initiatives: Allocating some of the excise revenue towards public health programs related to alcohol abuse can mitigate the potential negative effects.
  • Exploring Alternative Revenue Streams: Diversifying the state’s income sources can help reduce dependence on liquor excise duty while ensuring fiscal stability.


Maharashtra’s liquor excise duty is a significant contributor to the state’s finances. However, it’s imperative to acknowledge the potential downsides of this revenue stream and take steps to address them. By promoting responsible drinking and exploring alternative income sources, Maharashtra can ensure sustainable financial growth while safeguarding the well-being of its citizens.

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