Buy Now, Pay Never? Why BNPL Apps Are Struggling in India, Including Simpl’s Challenges


The “Buy Now, Pay Later” (BNPL) movement promised to revolutionize Indian consumer spending, offering instant credit and seamless shopping experiences. However, despite initial hype, several BNPL apps, including Simpl, are facing challenges and even shutting down operations. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this unexpected stumble and understand why these seemingly attractive platforms are struggling to find their footing in the Indian market.

A False Start: Regulatory Headwinds and Market Saturation

One of the biggest hurdles for BNPL platforms in India is the ever-evolving regulatory landscape. In August 2023, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued guidelines restricting non-bank prepaid instruments (PPIs) from being loaded with credit lines, a move that directly impacted NBFC-backed BNPL players like Simpl, which had partnered with NBFCs like Srei Equipment Finance for credit lines. This forced Simpl to temporarily halt some services and adapt its model.

Further compounding the issue is the already crowded fintech market. Over 200 BNPL apps jostle for space in a market with limited user base and growing competition. This intense competition leads to unsustainable acquisition costs and difficulty in differentiating unique offerings, creating a tough battle for customer loyalty.

Beyond Regulations: The Underlying Challenges

While regulations and market saturation play a role, deeper issues hinder BNPL adoption in India:

  • Limited Financial Literacy: A significant portion of India’s population lacks adequate financial literacy, leading to misunderstandings about the true cost of BNPL credit and potential for overspending. This fuels concerns about potential debt traps and unsustainable spending habits.
  • Low Merchant Adoption: While growing, BNPL acceptance among merchants remains limited, especially in smaller towns and offline businesses. This restricts user convenience and limits the real-world applicability of these platforms.
  • Data Privacy Concerns: With widespread concerns about data security and privacy breaches in India, users hesitate to share sensitive financial information required for BNPL services. This creates additional friction and hinders widespread adoption.
  • Credit History Reliance: Traditional credit history plays a significant role in BNPL eligibility, excluding individuals with limited or no credit history, thereby disproportionately impacting first-time borrowers and young adults.

Case in Point: The Struggle of Simpl and Others

The struggles are evident in Simpl’s temporary service halt following the RBI guidelines and similar instances faced by other prominent BNPL players:

  • LazyPay: Popular platform LazyPay temporarily halted its BNPL product “LazyPlus UPI” due to the RBI guidelines.
  • Slice & Uni: Restricted issuing new credit cards due to regulatory uncertainties.
  • EarlySalary & KreditBee: Halted all transactions through prepaid cards amidst regulatory scrutiny.

These instances highlight the vulnerabilities faced by BNPL platforms and the challenging environment they operate in.

Simpl’s Specific Challenges:

Beyond the general issues, Simpl faces additional challenges:

  • Reliance on NBFC Partnerships: Being primarily reliant on NBFCs for credit lines made Simpl more susceptible to the impact of the RBI guidelines.
  • Shifting Focus: Simpl’s recent pivot towards becoming a “one-stop financial platform” offering other services like bill payments and investments may dilute its core BNPL proposition and confuse users.

Moving Forward: A Course Correction

Despite the current hurdles, the BNPL market in India holds immense potential. To navigate the challenges and achieve sustainable growth, platforms like Simpl need to focus on:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Adapting to evolving regulations and building transparent and responsible lending practices are crucial for long-term success.
  • Financial Literacy Initiatives: Collaborating with educational institutions and NGOs to promote financial literacy can build trust and responsible user behavior.
  • Wider Merchant Acceptance: Expanding partnerships with offline merchants across various sectors can enhance accessibility and user convenience.
  • Data Security & Privacy: Prioritizing robust data security measures and ensuring transparent data usage practices is key to gaining user trust.
  • Alternative Credit Assessment: Exploring alternative credit scoring methods beyond traditional credit history can reach a wider user base and promote financial inclusion.

A Time for Transformation, Not Abandonment

The current scenario necessitates a strategic shift for BNPL platforms in India, including Simpl. By focusing on responsible practices, regulatory compliance, user education, and expanding reach, these platforms can overcome the obstacles and unlock the true potential of BNPL in the Indian market. Remember, it’s not about failing or succeeding; it’s about evolving and adapting to create a win-win situation for both consumers and providers, paving the way for a responsible and sustainable BNPL ecosystem in India.

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